The MarketPlace
Class assignment
Semester 1, 2023

The MarketPlace was a mock "client" given to the Certificate IV students for our third major assignment, who required a complete redesign of their existing website. After interviewing the client to determine their requirements, and creating wireframes and mockups for each webpage, I spent several weeks building, testing and perfecting the final website. The original "website" seemed to have been pulled straight from 2002, so it definitely deserved a few touch-ups.

Designing for mobile
One of the key assessment criteria for the assignment was that the website be responsive and fully functional on a mobile screen width. Up to this point, I had only ever built webpages for desktop, so this was a new challenge.

I quickly realised that my designs just couldn't be made responsive with media queries alone, so I had to get comfortable using JavaScript (which I had previously been avoiding).
I taught myself how to create accordions and drop-down menus, which allowed me to collapse large elements down to an interactive mobile format.
What I learned
Over the course of this project, I discovered that JavaScript isn't as confusing as it initially seemed. While I sometimes still don't understand why or how things work the way they do, I've become much more confident in applying what I already know to try something new.
I also got a solid opportunity to get familiar with CSS, trying out many properties that I hadn't yet tried. By the end, I had enormous stylesheets with hundreds of lines of code, and my HTML code relied heavily on div elements to achieve my designs.
While it definitely wasn't the worst code I've ever seen, it still felt too untidy for my tastes. Since then, I've avoided using div elements wherever possible, trying my best to find a more semantic element to use in its place.
Ultimately, I want my code to be readable and accessible for everyone, no matter who ends up reading it. Now that I'm becoming more comfortable building my own webpages, I can focus more of my energy on making sure they are semantic and tidy.