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press me

h e l l o , w o r l d .

I'm Ali – a young autistic woman learning to code and putting stuff on the internet.

Also, I love talking about my cats. You can admire them here.

About me

I am an aspiring (almost qualified) full-stack web dev, undertaking a double Diploma of IT in Front and Back-end development.

The dual-qual is keeping me *busy*, so this site has been a bit abandoned over the last several months, but keep an eye out at the end of this year – I'm keen to show off what I've been working on

My cat, Marie, sniffing the camera.






This website!

My biggest project of 2023 – my personal portfolio.

  • HTML5
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • PHP


Everything I learned in my Cert IV contributed to this project. I started working on it in May 2023, where it started with just the front end, and have been gradually updating and improving it ever since.

It'll forever be a work in progress, but it's a labour of love.


Company website for The Markworth Group, built using Odoo.

  • XML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Odoo


During my months as a web development intern with Markworth, I spent most of that time building the company website. Learning to build websites using Odoo was a huge learning curve, as I was so used to building webpages from scratch. Odoo's WYSIWYG website editor gave me a good challenge, as it didn't provide the level of flexibility that I was used to having with my own code.

I got the hang of it, though, and I feel that it was well worth the effort.

A WordPress blog for various website findability topics.

  • WordPress
  • CSS
  • SEO
  • Findability
I want to see!


This blog was for an assignment – partly to solidify the concepts from class, and partly to generate traffic by giving us students a way to interact with each other's sites.

I spent a long time playing with WordPress and getting a feel for it before I felt ready to publish my blog. Navigating the Gutenberg editor was a little challenging, as much of the documentation and tutorials that I was following were created for the Classic Editor, so it took a little while to learn my way around.

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